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Welcome to the
Wisconsin District Export Council

Working for Wisconsin's Exporters

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The DEC Mission

The Wisconsin District Export Council (WI DEC) was established with the aim of supporting the international business community by providing mentorship, educational opportunities, and networking platforms. Comprised of a diverse group of professionals, including experienced manufacturers, service providers, export facilitators, educators, advisors, and government agencies, the WI DEC collaborates closely with the U.S. Commercial Service Wisconsin. Together, their joint efforts are focused on empowering Wisconsin exporters by fostering a robust trade assistance network. This network facilitates the expansion of exports in a seamless and efficient manner, providing valuable support and resources to businesses looking to enter or grow in international markets.

The mission of the District Export Councils is supported through activities such as:

  • Counseling and mentoring of local businesses in exporting.
  • Identifying export financing sources for businesses.
  • Creating greater export awareness in the business community locally.
  • Identifying issues affecting export trade and implementation of suggestions for improvement.
  • Advocating trade policy and legislation supporting exporters and the U.S. export sector.
  • Supporting programs and services of the U.S. Commercial Service.
  • Building local export assistance partnerships with other trade-related organizations.
  • Providing export training and education.

International Trade Events
Click Below to view USCS Sponsored events. Trade events offered by the Wisconsin DEC and our Partners.

Events Calendar 

Organization Updates


Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events